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Core Teaching Values

Critical Awareness. Transformative Learning. Collaborative Exploration.

My Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy facilitates the acquirement and integration of social work practice skills and knowledge of social conditions and problems in practice. It builds critical and analytical thinking around social justice, diversity and intersectionality, ethical practice, and individual responsibility. My teaching foundation is grounded in three primary tenets: 1) critical awareness, 2) transformative learning, and 3) collaborative exploration. As an educator, I aim to model awareness and authenticity by how I present in the classroom and how my positionality influences my teaching methods. Also, in modeling, I seek to genuinely recognize and build upon each student's strengths in the learning environment.

I strive to create secure, positive, and inclusive learning environments to enhance student learning as a transformative experience and foster meaningful collaboration in small and large group discussions. I use various evidence-based teaching strategies such as role-playing, critical reflection, and feedback to support and enrich student learning. Lastly, I hold high but realistic expectations for all students to strive for excellence in their coursework and practice. I believe that my teaching approach encourages students to reflect on their values and increase their individual and ethical responsibility to become persistent advocates for social justice and change for those oppressed and vulnerable in our society.

















The first tenet of my teaching philosophy, critical awareness, is informed by my belief that teaching is a social and political act. As Paulo Freire indicated, this role comes with the duty to challenge oppressive attitudes and behaviors, support students' empowerment processes, and encourage students' awareness of their status and position. Students have contextual and social understandings that influence how they interact with classroom material, each other, and their educators. By encouraging a critical perspective in students, the belief is that they will further develop essential thinking skills around social structures, systems, and interactions, as well as an understanding of the sociopolitical overtones that inform their critical thought processes.
















The second tenet of my teaching philosophy is transformative learning. I am grounded in constructivist epistemology and the belief that students create their meanings from lived experiences. I engage students in discussion and critical reflection around social justice issues, specifically about their role as social workers in promoting social justice and fair social treatment. These conversations often result in students confronting their own biases and incorporating

information as they establish new views on social inequities. The aim is for students to understand experiences from different viewpoints better and, as a result, develop new interpretations of information and the social world.



















The third tenant of my teaching philosophy is collaborative exploration, which continues to highlight

engaging students in cooperative activities to co-construct knowledge and learning. Further inspired by

Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, I believe that all students bring a wealth of knowledge to the

learning environment based on their lived experiences. This knowledge can inform how they receive and

construct learning and engage in an exchange of knowledge in the learning environment.


Teaching Experience


Race, Class, and Gender
Howard University

This course explores the nature of race, class, and gender and its juxtaposition to power and control through the Black Perspective lens, illustrating the implications on all people, including immigrants, those with disabilities, those with a history of disadvantage or privilege, sexual identification, etc. on a societal, national, and global level. 


Human Behavior & the Social Environment
Howard University

The course utilizes the biopsychosocial model to provide knowledge and understanding of theory, research, and practice issues related to human behavior and development. 


University of Houston

The intent of this course is to provide a foundation for students to develop self- reflective empowerment practice skills in working with others different from themselves.


Confronting Oppression and Injustice
University of Houston

This course focuses on theories that address conditions that create social, economic, and political injustice. Attention is given to analyzing the causes and consequences of oppression on persons and groups, and how to achieve a more just society through anti-oppressive practice and capacity building.

All About Me

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Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want site visitors to know. If you’re a business, talk about how you started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers and how you stand out from the crowd. Add a photo, gallery or video for even more engagement.

What Students Say

Summer 2022

It has been an honor to learn from Dr. Jeter, and I’m anxious to take more of her courses. This course has caused me to think critically about the material and my own life in a way that is imperative to my growth as an educator. We need more professors like Dr. Jeter, PERIOD!

Fall 2022

Dr. Jeter was a great instructor. She provided excellent feedback on our assignments and in-class discussions to challenge our thoughts and make us think differently about the world. Not only were

our thoughts challenged, but we were able to consider the things we learned and how we would apply them to our social work practice.

Spring 2023

This course was easily one of the best and most memorable classes that I have attended at Howard University. I believe this was largely due to supportive, uplifting, and engaging classroom culture that Dr. Jeter was able to create. Dr. Jeter  was fantastic, and I will be strongly recommending her course to my other colleagues who still have semesters to go.

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